Straight Teeth are Healthy Teeth

Straight Teeth are Healthy Teeth

Straight teeth are often seen as a cosmetic benefit, but they are also important for your overall oral health. When your teeth are properly aligned, they are easier to clean and care for, which can help reduce your risk of tooth decay, gum disease, and other dental problems.

Here are some of the health benefits of straight teeth:

  • Easier to clean: Straight teeth are easier to brush and floss, which helps remove plaque and bacteria that can cause tooth decay and gum disease. Crooked teeth can be more difficult to clean, which can lead to plaque buildup and an increased risk of cavities.

  • Reduced risk of gum disease: Gum disease is a serious infection that can lead to tooth loss. Straight teeth can help reduce your risk of gum disease by making it easier to clean your teeth and gums.

  • Reduced risk of tooth wear and tear: Straight teeth fit together more evenly, which helps reduce the amount of wear and tear on your teeth. Crooked teeth can rub against each other, which can cause premature wear and tear.

  • Reduced risk of jaw pain and TMJ disorder: Straight teeth can help reduce the risk of jaw pain and TMJ disorder, which is a condition that affects the joints that connect your jawbone to your skull.

  • Improved speech and chewing: Straight teeth can improve your speech and chewing. Crooked teeth can interfere with your ability to speak clearly and chew food properly.

If you have crooked teeth, there are a number of options available to straighten them, including braces, Invisalign, and veneers. Talk to your dentist about the best option for you. At Dental Design SD, your San Diego Dentist, our doctors can show you what your teeth would look like after Invisalign treatment. All it takes is a quick scan and we can show you your future smile in under 20 minutes.

Here are some tips for keeping your straight teeth healthy:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes each time.

  • Floss your teeth once a day.

  • See your dentist for regular checkups and cleanings.

  • Eat a healthy diet and avoid sugary drinks.


Straight teeth are not only more aesthetically pleasing, but they are also important for your overall oral health. If you have crooked teeth, talk to your dentist about the best option for straightening them.


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